Animal Communication

Comunicación Animal

What is a communication session?

Animal telepathic sessions are an energy exchange between the person and the animal. During the session the animal can tell us how they are feeling and what they need following their person questions.

When you book and animal communication session, you are giving them the chance to express themselves and have someone listening to them, and therefore, you can get to know and understand them better.

Animals are sentient beings, that is, they feel, think and have opinions just like we, human beings, do. It is therefore important to them and to us to give them the chance to express themselves.

A communication session can help you understand a situation or behaviour the animal is having at a particular time and that you cannot seem to understand, and consequently you won’t be able to help them.

  • To improve the bond between the both of you.
  • To ask your animal if they agree or they don’t over the changes or any other decisión you may take.
  • To know how they feel.
  • Tell them about important changes in your life and know their opinión about bringing another animal home. 
  • Help them if they have a problem.
Ojos Gato

First, select animal communication in the “book” section, fill in the data you will be requested and tell us why you need a communication session.

As soon as we receive your request, we will contact you via email (in case it is urgent, we will call you). In this email we will send you an appointment proposal, with the date and time to do the communication, and the payment method. Once the date is confirmed, we need you to do the payment for the session to be confirmed. Without the payment, there will not be confirmation, so that we can offer that date and time for someone else who requests it.

Once the payment is done, we need you to, at least 24 hours prior the session, to send us an email with a picture of the animal or animals (as recent as possible and with a clear view of their face).

Estela or Eva will call you by pone or message you by WhatsApp to communicate with your animal family member/s.

The session will have a duration of 50 min, so we recommend you to have all the questions you want to make written down and close to you, so that you don’t forget anything important.

Once the session is booked and paid, it cannot be cancelled, but you may change the date twice max, and as long as you warn us 3 hours prior to the date and time confirmed.

In a session we recommend you to communicate with 2 animals maximum; a higher number will not allow to have a deep communication. Still, if you want to communicate with more than 2 animals, we can do that by widening the time of the session to 1 hour and 15 min, but you must take into account that the communication may be more superficial, if you intend to communicate with all of them.


Gato y Perro

In this case, and due to the urgency of this service, as soon as we receive your email, we will call you so that you can tell us about the situation. We will ask you for a picture of the animal, in order to appraise the case and we will call you again to tell you whether we want to take the case or not, depending on the information we receive.

If we do, we will ask you to pay the session and send us the location of  the place where the animal was lost.

This session will not be live, but we will communicate with the animal and carry out a first testing on a map, on the area where it got lost in order to give you as much information as possible to help you locate the animal.

It is important for you to take into account that the search of a lost animal is a complex process, both physically as emotionally. It is important to trust the process 100% and to be aware that many times the information we receive may not seem logical, but it is part of the process and it needs to be accepted blindly. Other times, the ending may be unexpected …

In any case, we are going to try to help you in anything we can, taking into account that we are not responsible of the result, as in a lost animals process, all those involved have a part of responsibility. And each one will have to do its part of the process so that it can move forward.

  • Communication session (máx 2 animals) 50 min duration: 50€
  • Communication session (3 - 5 animals) 1hr y 15 min duration: 90€
  • Lost animals communication session: 90€*

(*) 8 communication sessions and map testing are included. These communications will always be made during business hours. The communication will be made by whatsapp while the search process lasts.