Testing of Flower Essences (Floral Therapy)

Terapia Floral

What are flower essences?

Flower essences are light and have the power of nature. Flowers carry in themselves the sun, the rain, and the power of all nature. Flowers are the soul of the plant, and that is precisely what they work on, the soul; from the expansion of their energy and vibrationally in the body if they are ingested or in the space if they are located in a particular place of a home or working space.

This vibrational expansion is captured by the space, the person, or the animal. It’s the vibration of the flower energy. Depending on the emotions or fears that need to be worked, I use some flowers or others so that they expand the quality they need to develop, healing the ones that are not contributing to evolve towards balance.


My works consists of custom testing the flower essences for each person’s needs according to their emotional state. This testing helps me connect with those emotions and know which quality needs to be developed in order to heal them. The flower essences will accompany this process, working very subtly and harmoniously in the evolution process. The effectiveness of the progress will depend on your presence and your work on the process.

My work is based on distance testing.

Diente de León

Testing includes a report developing each of the essences which will help you be aware of where you are and with what emotions you are connecting at that moment. This information does a great deal of the job itself; it helps you gain awareness of your emotions, fears, or traumas, and with this awareness the floral essence combination accelerates the healing process.


To achieve a deep healing work, I recommend using the flower essences for at least three months, with a new testing every month or month and a half. The flowers work through layers, from the most superficial to the deepest ones; in order to reach the layers most stuck to our essence, we need to first clean the superficial ones and go deeper and deeper every day.

  • Book a session in the “Book” section
  • An updated face photo
  • Name and surname

Once I receive your email, I will inform you of prices and bonuses so that you can chose the one you find fit.

Note: At present flower essences mixtures are not included in the session, I will send you all the information I can so that you can buy them at a specialized store.


The flower essences for animal, as well as for humans, are really helpful to work on all kinds of traumas, emotions, fears and other symptoms that, if not worked on earlier, they can cause illnesses on the body.

Animals are deeply empathic beings who love and value us the way we are, and because they live with us they can somatise our emotions and fears, mirroring us many times so that we can become aware of where we are. In other occasions, they are traumas and fears from the animals themselves, for situations they have lived in the past but with which they are still connecting in the present.


In both cases, as personalized test of you animal family member can help us know which emotions they are connecting with and by taking the flower essences, the situation will improve. In some occasions both the animal and the human need to take the essences in order to harmonize the situation they are in at that moment.

Flower essences are mixtures extracted from flowers that harmonize emotional and psychological imbalances. They don’t have any active ingredients, only the vehicle that has been used as preservative and water, with the flower vibrations.

Flower essences work by vibration, once they are taken they act on the animal’s body, lifting their vibration and acting on the emotion that we want to harmonize, achieving that the animal feel better and more balanced.

All test are made in remote.


Once the testing is done I will send you a report with the essences that need to be taken and explanation of all of them.

  • Book a session in the “Book” section
  • An updated and close-up photo of your animal
  • Their name and age

Once I receive your email, I will inform you of the prices and the payment method.

Note: At present flower essences mixtures are not included in the session, I will send you all the information I can so that you can buy them at a specialized store.