The message of the Spider II: Weaving the Net

El mensaje de la Araña II: Tejiendo la Red


Following the message of the spider we shared some days ago...

Some days later I went back to the park as usual, and as soon as I entered a black dog crossed my path, we crossed looks and I felt he was on his own. I looked around and I didnt’t see anyone. I thought, his person must be somewhere close, so I went on my way. Some minutes later, the same dog came closer; I felt he was nervous and tired. I talked to him so that he would come closer, but he kept on running. 

Later, going to the place where I usually do my meditations, I heard a girl asking around if someone had seen a black dog, his human was looking for it and he had been doing so for some hours now. I told the girl I had seen him in another area of the park and asked for the dog’s person phone number in case I saw him again.

I felt the dog somewhere else in the park, and he seemed vey nervous and in a state of shock.  From time to time I heard them call “Trueno (Thunder)”, as that was his name.

When I finished some hour later and on my way to the exit I heard them call him again and I thought to myself, they haven’t found him yet, what can I do? The dog is in a state of shock and won’t stop running, locating him is almost impossible as the park is huge!

I told myself, if I see him on my way to the exit it means there is something I can do for him… One minute after this thought came to my mind, I saw the dog next to a couple. I went closer to them and from afar I asked, is the black dog yours? They answered that he wasn’t, but that he had been there for some time drinking from their dog’s bowl. I asked them to try and take him by his collar, as he was lost and his humans had been looking for him for hours. When they got closer to him, Trueno raised his head and went running into the park.

I felt the dog didn’t want to be rescued, feeling doubtful, I couldn't understand… Nonetheless, I call his human mate and told him where I had seen Trueno.

I decided to stay in order to help in any way possible, so I went after Trueno into the park to try and locate him. On my way I came across his human family members, they were desperate and nervous. They had been looking for him for hours and he wouldn’t answer their calls. I told them their dog was in a state of shock and that was the reason he didn’t respond to their calls.

Some minutes after that, we saw the couple with whom I had just talked come running towards us. They told us Trueno had gone back to where they were, but when they tried to get closer to thim he had gone out of the park so we ran there. 

Outside of the park we found a group of boys at the other side of the road who had caught Trueno when they saw him cross on his own. Finally someone had been able to stop him! And see how the web had been guiding his humans towards him!

At that precise moment, I remembered the message of the Spider and felt life offering it to me, so that I would understand it but also integrate it in my Heart.

I’m sure that Trueno got lost for a reason. Both him and his humans had something to learn from that situation. And all of us who were part of that web that day also learnt something.

Every action we take generates a movement. We are continuously weaving that net that joins every one of us. To be present helps us to weave a helpful, aware and supportive web for all of us.


Don’t underestimate the power of your presence
For someone, an encounter with you
May be the best thing of their day.


                                                Dr. César Lozano