Flower EssencesTherapy


Flower essences are plants potentiated liquid mixtures that transmit the characteristic mark or etheric pattern of a specific flower. 

For a better understanding, it is important to take into account the brilliant work done by Masaru Emoto. In his research, he studied different kinds of water: from springs, rivers, still water, etc. by subjecting them to different kinds of vibration, music, words, images, thoughts and other means.

Then he would freeze the water to around -5ºC to observe and photograph the resulting crystals with a microscope.The shape of the crystals resulting from the positive vibrations, such as words derived from love, empathy or classical music had a delicate and defined shape, while the crystals resulting from low vibrations, such as words of hate or polluted waters, were abstract and totally disharmonious..


This has proved scientifically that water has memory.

This Discovery allows us to explain in what ways the energetic imprint of the flower in the water is produced; by transferring the selected flower’s implicit personality to the water.

Each flower essence is a subtle energetic field, kept in an alcoholature (water-alcohol) that once placed in an energetic field of another living being (on its own or with other essences), act by vibrational resonance, harmonizing it.

The remedies are designed to help transform emotions, attitudes or behaviour patterns that hinder our development or potential. The application of flower essences in any flower system are several. Here follow some of them:

Anxiety, stress, devaluation, confusion, excess of perfectionism, pessimism., traumas, different kinds of fear, isolation, sexual issues, concentration issues, distraction, guilt, etc.

Likewise, very good results can be obtained from those physical illnesses that have a psychosomatic origin.

Remedies or flower essences don’t have any secondary effects, or possibility to generate addiction or overdose, they’re totally compatible with any other treatment or usual care (vitamins, nutritional supplements, allopathic medicines…) and are indicated for their multiple benefits.


In Conectando con tu Latir, we have been working with flower essences for years and, based on our experience we test the essences with a pendulum. In most cases, we are not aware of our emotions and what provokes them, because this information is kept in our unconscious. By using the testing method, we remove the conscious mind and connect with the energetic field of the person or animal, so that it can transmit the essences that are needed and which will work by bringing forward the changes needed in the subconscious, for a deeper healing.


“Have faith, trust, receive what the Universe sends you.
Fill yourself with love and inner strength,
Releasing your fears”

                                   Edward Bach