Feng Shui

Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui (Wind and Water) is a millenary Taoist discipline which improves the environment, the architecture, and the interior design of the venue where the human being finds themselves or inhabits, whether it is their home or their working space, by searching balance and harmony between the environment and everything that surrounds it. One of the main aims of Feng Shui is to search for Harmony at Home and to balance the energy of a space, by analysing deeply the disposition and the content of the spaces we inhabit.

Thanks to Feng Shui we can work on and potentiate different areas of your life, from riches and prosperity to love, going through assistance, your professional career and other areas which will help you reach both an emotional and a social balance. We can turn you home, for you and the pets that live with you, into a Temple, where the energy will flow harmoniously and help all the family to reach their goals and recover their vitality.

On this basis, my work focuses on talking with you so that you can tell me how you are, what your goals are or what you need to improve in your life. With this information, I will carry out a study of your home or working space in order to know which places need to be provided more energy so that the corresponding areas of your life can flow effortlessly.

In the case of a working or business space we will work on its different areas; I will review with you what your goals are, and I will find the disharmony there may be which is hindering you from reaching them.

Once the study has been done and the areas to work on have been detected, we will have another meeting where I will explain which measures to take and which changes to make, according to your possibilities. Moving and activating the energy does not require big and expensive efforts, it only requires your presence and your commitment. I will accompany you during the whole process and we will review the work so that nothing goes unnoticed.

Yin Yang

A Feng Shui can take place at your home* or online.

*A 50-km maximum from my hometown, Madrid.
*First session at your home or business place and the other two online.

In both cases the price will depend on fhe m2 of your dwelling of business place. 3 sessions are included.

Feng Shui casa

What do the sessions consist of:

First session: When face-to-face, I will go to your home or working space in order to take pictures and videos that I will need for the study. During this session I will explain and ask of you to carry out some easy changes so that things can start moving.

If it’s online, I will ask you to send pictures and videos of all rooms and corners of your home and business before the first session.

During this first session we will talk about your aims and what changes you want in your life or working place. We will review the pictures of your home/working place with you to see all the changing option both in decoration and in your daily life.

Second session: it will take place online 20 days after the first session. We will review the changes you have made and I will send you the study, so that we can review it room by room to make sure there are no doubts. In any case, I will be available via whatsapp so that you can ask questions during the following days.

Third session: It will take place online 3 months after the date of the second session. We will review the changes that have taken place in your life and if the aims you were looking for have been achieved. We will review again if necessary.

Feng Shui Cocina

If you are interested in obtaining more information, please book a consultation in the “book” section and we will contact you to solve any doubts you may have and give you all the information you need.

Feng Shui

Shape clay into a vessel; It is the space within that makes it useful.

Cut doors and windows for a room; It is the holes which make it useful.

Therefore benefit comes from what is there; 

Usefulness from what is not there.”

                                  LAO TSE