Privacy Policy

According to UE Regulation 2016/679 27th April 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of that data, this Privacy Policy contains information to help you  understand in a clear and simple way what kind of personal date is collected, what it is used for and which are your rights.

Who is to be accounted

The person in charge of the treatment of the personal data you provide us with is Eva María Pérez Vázquez (from now onwards the Owner) with ID card 08039594J.



Which personal data is processed

When you fill in the contact form available on our site, you send us some request or question through any of our contact channels or you inscribe in any of our activities, the personal data you provide will be processed to assist you.

In general, the data you will be requested to provide will only include your name, an email and contact telephone number.

If you decide to hire our services or inscribe in any of our activities the personal data we will request will be those required to carry out our services, manage our relationship with you as a client or user of our services, for administrative and internal operative purposes, and for the invoicing and payment of our services.

In any case, the Owner will only request the personal data necessary in each case to assist you requests and, should that be so, to manage and develop the relationship established when you hire our services.

What is the use given to your data and its legitimacy legal basis

The use we make of your data will depend on the services you have requested. Here follows an explanation of what will be the use of your data in each case and what is the legitimacy legal basis:

    • Contacts: When you contact us, your contact data will be used to answer your request, or the questions you may pose, or to send the information you request. In this case the legitimacy legal basis is the consent you give when providing your data voluntarily, as well as our legitimate interest in answering properly all the requests we are sent.

    • Clients/students: In case you establish any kind of relationship with us (for hiring our services or for participating in any course or event we offer whether free of charge or not) your data will be used to manage the contractual relationship that is established with Conectando con tu Latir to provide you with our services, manage your participation in our events and courses, for administrative and internal operative purposes, and to manage the payment and invoicing of our services. In this case, if you are a natural person or individual entrepreneur, the legitimacy legal basis is the fulfilment of the contractual relationship you establish with us.

    • Commercial and informative communications: In case you maintain or have maintained a commercial relationship with Conectando con tu Latir, for either having hired our services or because you have participated in any of our workshops, we can use your contact data to send you commercial and informative communications about events, activities, workshops, news or services from Conectando con tu Latir that are similar to the ones you hired or used previously, in order to keep our clients and students informed about any news. Otherwise, your contact data will only be used for commercial communications if you have given us your consent. In any case, please bear in mind that you can refuse the reception of our commercial and informative communications at any moment by clicking in the option you will find in all the communications you may receive by email.

How long can your data be stored

Your personal data will only be treated while we need it to comply with the purposes for which you have provided the data, as stated in this Privacy Policy or to comply with the legal obligations we may be subject to. When the data does not need to be used anymore, we will either delete it or block it while we need to keep it in order to comply with our legal obligations or for the follow-up of claims.

If you are or have been our client or service user, your personal data will be treated during the validity of our contractual relationship and we will keep it all the time that legal or contractual responsibilities derived from said relationship may arise related to said relationship, until they prescribe. As for the commercial and informative communications, your data will be used only until you decide to unsubscribe.

Who and when may we share your data

Your personal data will not be shared to third parties unless you have expressly consented to it or when we are legally obliged to. In those cases where it is compulsory and with due guarantees. Your personal data will not be shared to third parties but may share punctually certain information when it is necessary for fulfilling a legal obligation or official requirements from competent public authorities or when it is strictly necessary to provide you with our services or answer your requests.

The Owner may need to require external suppliers that may potentially have limited access to certain information -which may include personal data of our contacts or clients- for IT or email services for instance. In such cases our suppliers will treat the data following our instructions and with the sole purpose of providing their services and with due confidentiality guarantees. In such cases, the data provided to the Owner will be located in the servers of The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a, EEUU. (Mailchimp).

Which are your obligations

When you provide us your data, it must be licit, real and updated. The owner declines any kind of responsibility derived from the delivery of false, inexact o outdated data. Please refrain from providing personal data from third parties and, if you do, you must previously and under your exclusive responsibility inform them about the considerations included in this Privacy Policy and obtain their consent to provide their data. In any way will we be responsible for the possible consequences of you failing to inform the third party.

Personal data from people under 16 will note be collected or treated voluntarily, unless it is proved that they have the authorization of their parents or legal representatives. As we do not have any means to verify the age of those providing the personal data, we assume that when providing us with your data, you guarantee that you are over 16 years old. In any case, we reserve the right to request you to provide us with proof of your age should we have doubts or reasonable suspicion. If you don’t or we by any means that you don’t comply with this requirement, we will stop processing your data.

Which are your rights

    • Request access to the stored data
    • Request a rectification or a cancellation
    • Request limitation of your data treatment
    • Oppose to the treatment of your data
    • Request portability of your data

The exercise of these rights is personal and must therefore be done by the person concerned directly by direct request to the Owner, which means that any client, subscriber or collaborator who may have provided