Message of the Spider I

El mensaje de la Araña I


From old times, the Spider has had an important relevance in all cultures.  From Mesopotamia to, Egypt and Greece going through the African continent and, in different American civilizations such as the Mayas and the Hipo. The spider webs show us the design of our own life...  

Some months ago, while I was at a park near my home where I usually go to in order to disconnect from the city life and to connect with nature, I had an encounter with a spider who showed me the web of strings of our life, the one the elders already talked about…    

The Spider showed me her threads, they were like mine. And even if I couldn’t see them, the still held me. At that moment, she showed me in detail by going from one of my arms to another, she  stopped halfway and I felt her looking at me and telling me that in the same way she didn’t fall to the void, neither would I, her thread was holding her.

Later, she asked me to look around and I was amazed to see how the spider threads were joining everything around me, plants, grass blades and myself, because threads were coming out of me too, shining under the dusk. 

At that moment I understood the message of the Spider, Life holds and supports us at every moment, the threads are our trust, and our interconnection by those invisible threads. Every action we take has a consequence somewhere else, or in another time span, even if at that precise moment we may no be aware of it, even if we never are...

We are great expert weavers like the spiders, we only need to become aware of it and be more present in our daily weaving.

In Conectando con tu Latir we can give you the opportunity to communicate with your animal friend, receive the message they have for you and, particularly, to connect with their wisdom.


“Look deep into nature,
And then you will understand everything better” 

                                 Albert Einstein