3 keys concepts to star doing a good Feng Shui at your home

Feng Shui keys


1. Cleaning and tidying

Cleaning and tidying your home is key for the the Qi Energy (thus called by Feng Shui and CTM Chinese Traditional Medicine masters) to flow harmoniously around your home.your home is key for the the Qi Energy (thus called by Feng Shui and CTM Chinese Traditional Medicine masters) to flow harmoniously around your home.

When I say cleaning, I don’t mean dityness, which is also important for the energy to flow. I’m talking about taking out of your house everything that you don’t like (things you got as a present and keep because you feel bad throwing them away). I recommend you throw it away, give it to somebody who likes it, sell it or look for another option, but take it out of your home. The objects that we keep at home but we don’t like or use them. Block the energy.

One way of doing this is to take a pen and paper and go around every room of the house and review painting, decoration and any other object you don’t use or like anymore and write it down on your paper. Once you have checked all your house, you can think about what you can do with each one of those objects so that in the next days/weeks (a short period of time) they leave your home or you can find another place for them that has more meaning.


2. Cleaning and organizing the inside of cupboards and drawers

A very important topic that also affects the Qi at home, is cleaning and tidying our cupboards, closets and drawers. And you will think…. But no one sees it! True, but the fact that it cannot be seen does not mean that it does not influence the energy or bring chaos to our lives.

I’m sure you have heard or read about the laws that govern the Universe: “As is inside, is outside”. This sentence sums it up perfectly and I’m sure it makes sense now… that is why it is so important that our cupboards and drawers are clean and tidy and have no objects we don’t use anymore.

Something else you can do to clean and tidy your closet is to take a couple of boxes or bags and empty all your closet… yes, you didn’t misread me, you have to empty ALL your closet. Don’t fret, it’s okay, I have done it and my friends and clients too, and they’re still alive, and rest assured, much happier than before!

Let’s begin: on of the boxes or bag will be for the clothes that you’re going to dispose of and the other for the clothes you’re going to keep. If you find a piece of clothe that you haven’t worn for years but think you may still wear during this life, spoiler alert, It’s pretty improbable you will… I recommend you put all the clothes you haven’t worn for a year in the “give away” box/bag. It may feel difficult, but do it anyway. Once that piece of clothing is out of your way, you will completely forget about it, believe me, I’m not lying.

Do this with all your cupboards and drawers. There is no need to rush it, you don’t have to do it in a couple of days or a week, take your time, but please do it.

You will find out how much space you have at your home now, even to keep new things… But I don’t recommend you to leave empty spaces at home. When we empty, we leave room for things, people and opportunities to arrive into our life. That is why it is important not to fill, but to empty!


3. Tidy with sense

Once the tasks in items 1 and 2 are done, it’s time to tidy!

It’s important we keep our homes tidy. That every object, whatever it is, cleaning or work tools, clothes… has its place and it’s always kept there. Now that you have disposed of so many things you are going to have more room to find new places for all your objects to be orderly kept at a fixed location.

Keeping your house tidy, apart from helping balance and harmonize the energy, helps us to feel good at our home; we can feel comfortable and make the most of our time now that we don’t waste it looking around for the things we cannot find, with all the stress that this implies, even if we are not aware of it.

Keeping our homes tidy makes us feel good, as it enhances our self-confidence and helps us feel more peaceful and calm, which is what we need after a long day at work.

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates” 

                                                THE KYBALION